Výskyt cievnej mozgovej príhody u pacientov hospitalizovaných vo Fakultnej nemocnici v Nitre
Dana Brázdilová
Abstract: Objective: In the study, the author focuses on Fabry disease as a multisystem disease which can have as one of the predisposing factors influence on occurrence of stroke. Methods: The author set an objective to study a sample of patients hospitalised in the FH Nitra by a retrospective content analysis in a defined period of time. Results: Out of 666 respondents who suffered stroke in 2017 and were hospitalised in the FH in Nitra, there were 571 respondents (85.74 %) with ischemic stroke, 89 respondents (13.36 %) with haemorrhagic stroke and six respondents (0.90 %) with stroke, not specified as haemorrhage or infarction. In terms of gender, we found out that there were 323 men (56.57 %) and 248 women (43.43 %) who suffered ischemic stroke. Out of 666 respondents of the sample A, there were 627 respondents (94.14 %) hospitalised with newly found stroke and in 39 respondents (5.86 %) stroke recurred in 2017. Conclusion: Acute cerebral infarctions are the third most common cause of death and the most common cause of premature disability. An annual incidence increases with age. In young people, however, we must remember other than usual causes and one of them is Fabry disease.
Keywords: Fabry disease, stroke, ischemic stroke, haemorrhagic stroke, α-galactosidase A, glycosphingolipids
Pages: 49 – 56
Doi: 10.17846/PP.2018.1.2.49-56
Source: Pomáhajúce profesie, 2018, vol. 1, issue 2, pp. (PDF)
Language: Slovak