Ošetrovateľská giagnostika v klinickej praxi onkologického ošetrovateľstva
Zuzana Spáčilová, Andrea Solgajová, Alexandra Archalousová, Mária Semanišinová
Abstract: Background: An accurate development of a nursing diagnosis is a basic condition for effective implementation of nursing interventions in clinical practice in order to ensure the highest quality of provided care. Objective: The objective was to map an incidence of nursing diagnoses in clinical practice of oncology nursing by a type of diagnosis (actual or potential) and by diagnostic categories. To identify the most frequent mistakes in diagnostic conclusions. Methods: A retrospective analysis of hospital records was used. We analysed hospital records of 50 patients hospitalized at the Department of Radiotherapy and Oncology in the Faculty Hospital Nitra. Results: We identified 142 diagnostic conclusions from 13 diagnostic categories. There were more actual nursing diagnoses (66%) than potential nursing diagnoses (34%). The most frequently documented nursing diagnoses were: Chronic pain, Risk of vomiting, Exhaustion, Fatigue, and Loss of appetite. We identified 251 mistakes in the diagnostic conclusions. The mistakes related particularly to aetiology, signs and symptoms, and the substantiation of diagnostic conclusions by relevant data. Conclusion: In clinical practice it is inevitable to eliminate the factors which negatively influence nursing diagnostics.
Keywords: Oncology nursing. Diagnostics. Nursing diagnosis.
Pages: 39 – 48
Doi: 10.17846/PP.2018.1.2.39-48
Source: Pomáhajúce profesie, 2018, vol. 1, issue 2, pp. (PDF)
Language: Slovak