How do personality characteristics influence recovery after stroke? A literature review

Katarína Dančová, Jana Turzáková, Katarína Baňasová, Martina Romanová

Abstract: There is growing empirical evidence that personality characteristics play an important role in recovery after stroke. The aim of the submitted study is to critically evaluate findings concerning the relationship between personality characteristics and recovery outcome. Several multidisciplinary databases available to the authors of the review were searched for studies published since 2000. Twenty studies met the inclusion criteria. Most consistent findings suggest that high neuroticism is a predictor of poor patients’ outcome represented by depression and low health-related quality of life. Methodological limits and suggestions for future research are discussed.
Keywords: stroke, personality, recovery, health-related quality of life, well-being, depression, anxiety
Pages: 17 – 29
Doi: 10.17846/PP.2019.2.1.17-29
Source: Pomáhajúce profesie, 2019, vol. 2, issue 1, pp. 17-29 (PDF)
Language: English
