Psychometrické vlastnosti dotazníka Specialty Indecision Scale (SIS)
Katarína Baňasová
Abstract: The aim of the study is to verify the psychometric qualities and factor structure of SIS (Specialty Indecision Scale), which assesses difficulties with career decision-making. The scale consists of subscales detecting the level of readiness, information, identity, barriers, indecisiveness as a state and self-doubt to a make decision about career path. The psychometric qualities of the questionnare were on the survey sample- 80 high-school students verified. We focused on the reliability by using the Cronbach α coefficient and test-retest. The construct validity was via measurment tool CDS (Lounsbury, 2011), which is intended for assessing the decidedness as a actual state detected. The exploration factor analysis of the items and corrected item-total correlations were conducted. The satisfying psychometric qualities were found. When using a questionnaire that is suitable for research purposes, we recommend taking into account its specifics, which proved to be considerable in this work. It is recomended to apply the SIS questionnaire in its 6-factor structure and to verify its construct convergent validity.
Keywords: Specialty Indecision Scale, reliability, validity, career counseling
Pages: 18 – 27
Doi: 10.17846/PP.2018.1.2.18-27
Source: Pomáhajúce profesie, 2018, vol. 1, issue 2, pp. (PDF)
Language: Slovak